Introduction: Rhizoma et Radix Polygoni Cuspidati (Huzhang in Chinese language, HZ)

Introduction: Rhizoma et Radix Polygoni Cuspidati (Huzhang in Chinese language, HZ) is a traditional medicinal plant in China. total number of 74 constituents were identified unambiguously or tentatively, including 29 compounds reported for the first time in HZ. Conclusion: The identification and structure elucidation of these chemicals provided essential data for quality control and additional in vivo metabolic research of HZ. Key phrases: Sieb. Et Zucc. This natural herb has been trusted in Chinese language and Japanese folk medication for the treating atherosclerosis, hypertension, coughing, suppurative dermatitis, and gonorrhea. HZ consists of a number of chemical substance groups such as for example stilbenes, anthraquinones, flavones, and tannins. Earlier medical and pharmacological studies possess indicated that many chemical substance components in HZ are bioactive.[1,2,3,4,5,6] Different methods have already been useful for qualitative evaluation of major chemical substance constituents in HZ. Yi created a high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI/MS way for concurrently qualitative and quantitative evaluation of 9 substances.[7] Xia separated HZ methanol extract by HPLC-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and characterized 22 main constituents using HPLC-time-of-flight (TOF/MS).[8] Sun recognized 20 volatile oil in HZ by gas chromatography-MS.[9] Electrophoresis and NMR are also used for qualitative assessment of HZ.[10,11] Despite very much effort continues to be dedicated to chemical substance profiling of HZ, limited and repeated information regarding HZ constituents was obtained because of the lack of effective separation program and delicate detector. To recognize the complicated chemical substances of HZ comprehensively, a higher and fast private technique have to be developed. Recently, HPLC in conjunction with ion capture and TOF-MS (HPLC-IT/TOF-MS) continues to be trusted in characterization and chemical substance profiling of vegetation.[12] The cross ion trap and TOF MS Rabbit polyclonal to KCNC3 may integrate advantages of ion trap in producing multistage tandem fragmentations which of TOF in high res and accurate mass dimension, thus providing higher sensitivity and accuracy (error within 12542-36-8 manufacture 5 ppm) than those of TOF and IT-MS. This tandem mass technique offers elevated the qualitative evaluation of herb medications (HMs) to a fresh elevation both in analytical acceleration and precision and continues to be confirmed to be always a extremely powerful tool for the extensive recognition of both focus on and nontarget parts. Moreover, our previous investigation had clearly indicated the relevance and usefulness of the combination of chromatographic, spectrophotometric, and mass-spectrometric analysis to detect and identify components in complicated samples.[13] Therefore, in the present study, HPLC with diode-array and IT/TOF MS detection was used for separation and identification of the components in HZ extract. Compared with 12542-36-8 manufacture previous methods, more components (74) were characterized or tentatively identified, and 29 of these compounds were reported in HZ for the first time. MATERIALS AND METHODS Reagents and chemicals Reference standards of gallic acid (HPLC >98%), (+)-catechin (HPLC >98%), (-)-epicatechin (HPLC >98%), emodin (HPLC >98%), rhein (HPLC >98%), aloe-emodin (HPLC >98%), physcion (HPLC >98%) were purchased from the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (Beijing, China). Emodin-1-O–D-glucopyranoside (HPLC >98%), emodin-8-O–D-glucopyranoside (HPLC >98%), resveratrol (HPLC >98%), and polydatin (HPLC >98%) were purchased from Shanghai Yilin Biotech Co. Ltd (Shanghai, China). Methanol of HPLC grade was purchased from Merck 12542-36-8 manufacture (Darmstadt, Germany). Formic acid (analytical reagent) was purchased through the First 12542-36-8 manufacture Chemical Business of Nanjing (Jiangsu, China). Deionized drinking water was prepared having a Milli-Q program (Millipore, MA, USA). Vegetable components The rhizome et radix of was gathered in Hubei Province, China and authenticated by Affiliate Professor Rui Music (State Key Lab of Natural Medication, China Pharmaceutical College or university, Nanjing, China). The voucher specimens (No. zzj-P-20130813) had been deposited in the Herbarium of China Pharmaceutical College or university, Nanjing, China. Test preparation The planning of HZ aqueous removal took published books as research with some adjustments.[14] 25 g.
